Madame Marissa had a lot on her mind and she needed to clear her mind. She felt that she had to do it with her pedal pumping fetish because it was the best way for her to do it. She got in her car and she went on a long drive. It was super fun for her and she enjoyed how she sped and how the winding country roads and the beauty of the changing landscape soothed her and calmed her down.
Madame Marissa wanted to pass time and she did it at the expense of this guy. She had the time of her life doing it and in no time, she made sure that she had gotten the hang of it and that she had had the time of her life doing it. The mistress had to customize it and make it her own and not what she had seen online.
Madame Marissa had a lot of stress at work and she wanted to escape from it all for a few hours before she went back and dealt with it all. So she got behind the wheel of her manual car and she enjoyed revving it up and then speeding off. She loved how therapeutic it was when she changed gears and stepped on the gas pedal. It gave her the escape she needed.
Madame Marissa wanted to show off her stick shift driving skills as she knew her current boyfriend did not know how to do it. She laughed at him as he tried and failed. Then she showed him how she did it and she did it with her high heels. It was fun watching him feel challenged and vow that he would go and learn how to do it so that they could be driving together.
Madame Marissa was curious and she wanted to know how her feet behaved when she drove her manual car. So she set up a camera and she recorded herself as she drove around town. She did not have anywhere particular to go and was just driving around so that she could record herself and then go back to the house to watch. She is that weird and loves crazy stuff like that.
Madame Marissa loves to drive and today she had the perfect plan. She wanted a weekend getaway for herself and she wanted to get the best of both. She would enjoy a great drive and she would also get to stay in a great place. So she got behind the wheel and she had a great time pedal pushing to her destination. Needless to say, she had a great time.
Madame Marissa has an addiction to pedal pumping and she wanted to break it. She spent a lot of time on her car pedal pumping for the adrenaline rush it gave her. She was better than most guys when it came to it and she knows how to drive with shoes, with heels and while barefoot. She went out for a drive today and she strained to make sure she did not speed or do anything crazy.
Madame Marissa was shocked to learn that her boyfriend was only good at driving automatics. He could not drive a stick shift and she laughed at him. She gave him one of her sports cars and he could not drive it. So she taught him how to do it and to brag, she showed him how to do it while she was wearing high heels. It was a flex for her.
Madame Marissa loves to pedal pump and she does it often. But she is always doing it in flats and today she wanted to try it in heels. She knew it would be tricky so she prepared well for it and she did not plan to speed like she usually does. So she wore her heels, got behind the wheel, revved up the engine and she drove away. It was challenging at first but she was surprised at how quickly she got the hang of it and became comfortable to drive a stick shift in heels.
Mistress Minnie loves driving but she does it barefoot. She finds it more comfortable to do it that way. When her boyfriend found it weird that she does that, she had to get him to try it and they were both shocked that she could not do it. So she had to teach him how to do it because his male ego was hurt and he did not want to be beaten by his girl.