Shoes | Pedal Pumping Feet

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Madame Marissa loves to come off as intimidating to her dates on the first day just so she can see how they handle it. When she realized that her date did not know how to drive a manual car, she knew she had found something to dominate him about and she made sure that she rubbed it in his face as they went for a drive and she showed off her skills.

Madame Marissa wanted to show off her stick shift driving skills as she knew her current boyfriend did not know how to do it. She laughed at him as he tried and failed. Then she showed him how she did it and she did it with her high heels. It was fun watching him feel challenged and vow that he would go and learn how to do it so that they could be driving together.

When this mistress set out to pedal pump, she knew the best car to do that to was a manual car. That is why she did not bother with any automatic and she ensured that she not only revved it hard, but she also made sure that she sped off as fast as she could while observing the speed limit. It was fun for her as she knew she had complete control over the car.

Madame Marissa's new boyfriend did not expect her to know how to drive a stick shift. He thought that she would struggle and even give up. It was a shock to him when she not only did it well like a pro, but she went ahead to do it in high heels. She asked him to try driving in high heels but he could not and he had the shock of his life.

Mistress Marleen wanted to try out this old car which she had not driven in quite a while. She was shocked that it could even start although there was a little hesitation before she gave it gas and it finally started. The mistress loved the feeling she got and the nostalgia that came with it. The memories came flooding back and she spent hours inside the car as she took a long unplanned drive.

Mistress Monique was frustrated with her car as it had broken down again. It was draining her and frustrating her. So she got in the car, took out a cigarette and she smoked as she did her best to try and come up with a solution for the issue the car had. She wanted a solution once and for all because she did not want to be stranded because of it.

Lady Shay decided to use a sewing machine for her pedal pumping fetish because a car did not satisfy her need for pedal pushing as she had to remove her foot from the gas pedal and apply the brakes. So she used a sewing machine and she would do it as she felt like. It was much better for her and she did not care about doing it in a car anymore.

Mistress Megan and her male friends were discussing about cars and they even wanted to race. But she told them that if they were true drivers, they had to race in heels. She had raced in flat shoes like them but none of them had raced in heels. So she made them all wear heels and then they raced. Needless to say, no one stepped on the gas pedal as much as she did.

Mistress Luna loves to drive cars. She has all sorts of cars and she loves to drive them fast. She hates slow driving and it is something she can never do. And today she chose to drive with her sandals, something she had never done. She loves the thrill that comes with driving in high heels. The sandals were comfortable to drive in and she sped off as usual, but it was not as exciting as when she did it in her heels.

When mistress Claudia's boyfriend told her that she was a bad driver, she challenged him to drive in heels. She wore then and he wore another pair of hers and she challenged him for a race. She drove a stick shift and he drove an automatic. They raced but he could not keep up. He had never known she was that kind of driver as she wiped the floor with him.

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