Pedal Pumping Feet - Sexy pedal pumping girls - Page 7

Mistress Lea felt like her head was full and she needed to clear her mind and to blow off some steam. She did not know anything better than her sports car at helping her deal with such stuff. So the mistress slid behind the wheel and she went for a long drive in her car and as she sped off and left a trail of cars struggling to catch up with her, the rush helped her clear her mind.

Mistress Lea wanted to show off her super car and she did it by revving it as loud as she could and then speeding off. She was driving in her high heels to show the guys that they could not match her and if they wanted to compete with her, they had to try and do it in high heels. The mistress even had the guys time her to find out the kind of time she would do.

Mistress Lea did not know much about cars until her boyfriend introduced them to her. Not your regular cars but sports cars and how fast they could go. And from the minute she felt the orgasmic vibrations and the adrenaline rush of speeding and leaving everyone behind, she fell in love and she has never looked back since. And her goal is to be better than her boyfriend and she is nearing her goal.

Mistress Luna and her boyfriend love cars and they love fast cars. They both have sports cars and they like to compete. Today mistress Luna felt good and she was sure she was going to win. So they got behind the wheel and as they shifted the cars into gear, she had her focus and vision firmly on winning and from the way she handled the car and pushed on the gas pedal, she had no doubt she would win and she did from start to finish.

Mistress Lea does not like talking a lot and especially about her issues. She prefers to use her car and music as therapy. And today she had a lot to think about so she got into her car and she revved the engine and she loved the orgasmic vibrations of the engine as she did so before she sped off for a long drive to clear her mind. She came back in good spirits.

Mistress Sofi was trying to enjoy her lazy afternoon when she felt that the best thing she could do was to go out for a drive. She did not even wear shoes. She just got into her car and she revved it up before she sped away without caring where she was going. She wanted a deserted road so that she could speed as much as she wanted. And that is what she did.

Mistress Luna loves to pedal pump and she also loves sports cars. If a car is not fast, then she has no business driving it. And she loves to drive in high heels, which is what she did today. She was bored at home and she wanted to go for a drive. So she wore her heels and she stepped into the vehicle and started it up, revved it and floored it.

Mistress Tiffany was bored and as she looked for something to do, she realized that she wanted to try things she had never done before. And that is how she came across pedal pumping and she had to try it with her car. So she wore her boots and she got in her car, revved up the engine and then she engaged the gear and floored the gas pedal and sped away.

Lady Shay decided to use a sewing machine for her pedal pumping fetish because a car did not satisfy her need for pedal pushing as she had to remove her foot from the gas pedal and apply the brakes. So she used a sewing machine and she would do it as she felt like. It was much better for her and she did not care about doing it in a car anymore.

Mistress Luna is a fun girl and she loves to enjoy herself all the time. Today was not an exception and she got in her car and she recorded as she pedal pumped. She wanted to see what happened to and with her feet whenever she drove. So she wore her sandals which she liked as they were comfortable and made driving easier and she revved up her engine and she sped off.

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